Clarkson Undergrad Presents Research on Freshwater Mussels
Potsdam, NY (03/29/2022) — Abigail Searles '22, an environmental engineering major at Clarkson University from Waverly, NY, recently attended the NYS Chapter annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society to present her ongoing research on the habitat suitability for freshwater mussels in smaller order streams based on habitat flow characteristics. Her research is conducted under Dr. Abul Baki, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Clarkson.
Searles says that freshwater mussels are relied on to maintain the stability of water ecosystems worldwide. However, in recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the population of mussels. Her project investigates the flow impacts on the Elliptio companata, a species of mussel. Her ongoing research has the goal to help in the restoration of degraded freshwater mussel habitats.
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