As a private, national research university, Clarkson is a leader in technological education and sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, research and innovation. We ignite personal connections across academic fields and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. With its main campus located in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the New York Capital Region, Beacon, N.Y., and New York City, Clarkson educates 4,300 students across 95 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, the arts, education, sciences and health professions. Our alumni earn salaries that are among the top 2.5% in the nation and realize accelerated career growth. One in five already leads as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company.
(see more)As a private, national research university, Clarkson is a leader in technological education and sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, research and innovation. We ignite personal connections across academic fields and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. With its main campus located in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the New York Capital Region, Beacon, N.Y., and New York City, Clarkson educates 4,300 students across 95 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, the arts, education, sciences and health professions. Our alumni earn salaries that are among the top 2.5% in the nation and realize accelerated career growth. One in five already leads as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company.
Clarkson University Army ROTC Students Commissioned for 2018

Students Receive Awards from Clarkson University

Students Receive Awards from Clarkson University

Students Receive Scholarships at Clarkson University

Students Graduate from Clarkson University

Students Named Clarkson University Presidential Scholars

Students Named to Clarkson University Dean's List

Students Graduate from Clarkson University

Clarkson University Army ROTC Cadets Earn USAA Scholarship Awards

Students to Attend Clarkson University in Fall 2017

Students Receive Awards from Clarkson University

Students Named to Clarkson University Dean's List

Students Complete Clarkson School Early College Program

Students Named Clarkson University Presidential Scholars

Students Graduate from Clarkson University

Clarkson University Senior Kaitlin Dunn Receives Levinus Clarkson Award

Clarkson University Senior Amy Hait Receives Frederica Clarkson Award

Sonja Gagen of Aspen, Colo., Recognized by Udall Foundation

Kaitlin Dunn Awarded NSF Research Fellowship

Connor Kilmer Hosts Public Meeting for City's Trail Expansion

Zachary Utter Selected to Attend National Gallery of Art Summer Teacher Institute

Independent Sector Community Service Award

Students Graduate from Clarkson University

Students Named to Clarkson University Dean's List

Clarkson University Students Create Sustainable Food Donation Program

Students Named Clarkson University Presidential Scholars

Clarkson University Students Win Awards at Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering & Biotransport Conference

Students Receive Scholarships at Clarkson University

Students to Attend Clarkson University in Fall 2016

Students Named Clarkson University Presidential Scholars